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Genuine Parts

IVECO Dealers stock an extensive range of both Genuine and approved aftermarket parts, ensuring the continued performance of IVECO vehicles, no matter at what stage of their lifecycle.


All parts are designed to meet IVECO’s stringent standards and are comprehensively tested to deliver superior longevity and reliability, therefore minimising vehicle downtime.



Purchasing a new IVECO truck, van or bus is a substantial investment, so protect this investment, maintain the vehicle warranty and protect future resale value by using IVECO Genuine Parts.


IVECO Genuine Parts are designed and engineered specifically to suit IVECO vehicles – the company invests millions of dollars annually in research and development to constantly refine and improve its Genuine Parts offerings. It’s strongly recommended that Genuine Parts are used during ownership and especially throughout the vehicle warranty period.


For added peace of mind, all IVECO Genuine Parts are backed by a 12 month warranty so you can rest assured that your replacement parts have the same safety and integrity as when your vehicle left the assembly line.


Five reasons to use IVECO Genuine Parts:

  1. Designed and manufactured to stringent standards specifically for IVECO
  2. Reduced likelihood of unforeseen downtime due to part failures
  3. Supported by a 12 month warranty
  4. Increased future resale value
  5. Maintain new vehicle warranty 

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Displayed on the Vehicle ID plate

Normally located under the bonnet or bottom of front windscreen